Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What the future holds

With the height of new lateral promotion I need to uphold a superior level of appropriateness and candor.


WooHoo I got a mo-fo-ing office job!  Can you franking believe it?  Ever since I worked at staples and was surrounded by all the accoutrements of being employed by an office; I had dreamed of holding an office position.  Ever since I was promoted to an office job in the warehouse I’ve been thrilled.  It just keeps getting better.  First it was more pay and a bigger office and now it’s less physical labor and A/C!!!  WTF!!!  I’m going to have to dress nicer because I will no longer be expected to get dirty and stay late finishing other peoples work.  Sure I’ll probably have long hours doing what ever it is they’re going to have me do, but the pressure is going to be different and I am going to love it.



Friday, April 18, 2008

Something new - A food review from me

The Burger King – Fully Loaded Steak Burger

            I only recommend that everyone try this as soon as possible because of how unbelievably horrible it is.  I can’t imagine that it will be around for that long.  It seems like a great idea even with its vague description of being adorned with “Baked Potato Topping.”  Sadly something is wrong with this sandwich.

            The bun is average size and the patty is nearly a 6”x6” square.  The size of it along with its flavor and texture/consistency suggests that it isn’t mostly Angus beef like they want you believe.  The wrapper they cram it into isn’t any bigger than they might use on a normal sandwich so you can imagine what that does for the presentation.  The flavors are misleading at first.  In the first bites you have mostly meat and A1-steak sauce because it hangs off the bun on all sides by about an inch.  Past the bun there are fried onion pieces, bacon and cheese which together make the patty tolerable.  Then it gets derailed near the center of the bun where they have placed a thick slice of potato.  It doesn’t seem like that would be a problem, fries are good with burgers.  Half smashed potato parts that are reminiscent of something someone might find in the trash are not.  And while eating it and trying to picture mashed potatoes with meat loaf as the closest thing it reminded me of, I couldn’t help but think that potato was scrap from some other cooking adventure they decided to recycle in an attempt to reduce waste.


My recommendation is the Chicago Grill (GUBI’s) Super Burger.  It’s roughly three dollars more (served with fries) and contains a full pound of beef.  There is not question about the meat.  The only drawback is that with its size appropriate bun forcing it into your mouth could be a problem.  The patty is roughly an inch thick throughout its 6-7” diameter.  The bun is a ridiculous 5-6” tall.  I’ve never seen a burger this large out of all the “We’ve got the biggest Burger” places I’ve tried.  When I ordered it I doubted claims made by the menu but then was amazed by its size when it arrived.  Luckily before I left the waitress came to shame me in front of my fellow lunch enthusiasts.  She said “I’ve never seen anyone finish one of these, but I’ve never seen anyone eat as little as you.”  Then she proceeded to bring me an average size carry out container that couldn’t successfully close around the Super Burger.


Just thought you’d like to know.

All lies

I’m going to get some flack from Tony about this. 


Microsoft (those lying bastards) offers a download on their website that will tell you if your computer can handle a Vista Upgrade.  I followed the instructions and ran the program.  I spent nearly half hour invested in this process which if you can imagine ended in positive results.  The program didn’t see any reason there would be any conflicts or problems with the software I was already running and the possible upgrade to Vista.


That was great news.  I went with Keely to IUSB and we bought Vista Ultimate Upgrade for $20.00


I spent the next five hours installing it.  Everything was pretty and shiny.


About half way through seven items flew up red flags in the installation process.  These items like my printer, the video drivers and some random video editing software (that I already knew would work with Vista but I had somehow let that slip my mind).  There was only thing I could do, push forward.  Continue the installation that I was assured would be faultless by another piece of Microsoft programming.


My question then is: Is it a marketing scam or did the first program really scan all devices it said?  My printer was listed as “ok” in the pre-installation evaluation but when I ran the install it was listed as a problem.




Today is day one of using the new OS and I’m still visually pleased with it.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Waiting game?

I had been telling myself even in my last official capacity that all the issues, stress and pressure I was experiencing, was all in my head.  If I could just keep it there without acting out in any fashion worthy of termination or general admission of lacking.  The last thing I want to do is get myself moved off a good job because I’ve told my bosses that I can’t handle it.  So I didn’t kill, beat or threaten anyone as Warehouse Manager.  Not that I was interested in the confrontation of any of those options anyway. 


This is a little different but mostly the same.  There is literally no pressure.  I am an observer.  My presence doesn’t affect anything here and I am not directly or indirectly responsible for anything other that watching what people are doing.  I am to learn what they are doing, but in a general sense as I will not be called to do any of these positions when the transfer is complete.


This was initiated by two things; their necessity for a change to be made and the knowledge that I wasn’t happy where I was at.  Normally the information that an employee isn’t happy doesn’t weigh to heavy on their minds.  I really don’t know how much that had to do with it at all.  I assume (which is forbidden around the world at this point as I understand it) that it played a minor part. 


Why am I stressing?  It doesn’t feel right.  Doing nothing doesn’t feel right.  I’m over simplifying it, I am doing something but I’m afraid it’s not enough.  I’ve always been afraid of an uncertain future.  This limbo between my last position and my new position is about as uncertain as it gets.  When will my training begin, what have I learned so far that will help me and what should I try to learn to get even that more ahead?  How long do I have to wait?  Should I care at all?  Can I make it look like I care, without stressing out by really caring?  This is what they’ve done to me.  I’m mindfuct.