Monday, February 26, 2007


My new found infatuation with sweaters is in no way responsible for the gap in my productivity here. I blame that on time constraints, helping a friend with his computer and complete laziness.

Growing up as a fat kid all the way to becoming a fat man, the thought of sweaters confused me. They were always so tight, made me sweat and were normally itchy on my skin. I only recently found out that this was mainly because as a growing rotund youth my parents couldn't keep clothes in my size for long. I didn't know that when you get a sweater in your size or a little larger you can wear a shirt underneath (or buy yourself a higher quality sweater that's not made out of burlap). I can't really blame my parents I think the sweaters I had growing up were all presents from relatives that didn't really see me enough to understand my size.

The sweating? Well I have a theory as this has not been a problem in my most recent sweater wearing adventures. The cost of fossil fuels and energy in general has risen to the point that most people under heat their homes and businesses to save money. I also have only worn them when it's been really cold outside.

I've gotten them from goodwill(50% off day), JCPenny(on sale) and who knows where else. It isn't like I have an uncommon amount of sweaters. I maybe have three or four. It's just how much I enjoy wearing them. I feel better about myself. What I didn't know as a child was that those tight non-concealing sweat bags I was forced into years ago, could have been very concealing comfortable suits of armor had they been properly sized. Which is odd because also growing up I held the belief that women who wore baggy sweaters constantly, were overly conscious about being large breasted*. A thought I still hold today (which includes my library of thoughts on Velma Dinkley). Somehow I never made the connection.

I have a grey one that when I got it felt very much like chain mail. It was so heavy and I wasn't sure if I really liked it, but when I got this mental image of wearing it to battle I became fond of wearing it to work. Work has been a challenge for me. Armor would not be a bad idea. However with wearing and washing it (not that I am following any kind of recommended methods for cleaning my clothing as suggested by the manufacturer) I fear the dryer has taken several pounds of lint from it. It no longer feels like that heavy chain mail. I still like it though.

Wearing to sweaters to work isn't always a good idea. While I need to look professional, sometimes I need to step in a do the labor. The kind of labor that wants to destroy clothing. The chain mail sweater has some tiny holes in it. I'm not really sure how they got there and hope that they are not real noticeable.

*Human anatomy and size - I would say that it doesn't matter because somewhere there is someone who wants what you've got in the size that you have. Sadly on the way to finding that person, you're probably going to run into a lot of people who don't. They are going to be the ones that have everything you want exactly the way you think it should be. A painful life lesson our Funny Funny God has subjected us to.

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