Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Grey Water

My airconditioner produces a large amount of water. It pulls it out of the air in my home and dumps it down a hole in the floor in my basement.  I have no basis for comparison to know if this is normal or okay.

I really wasn't aware of how much water it was magically pulling out of the air using only electricity and harmful greenhouse gasses until I blocked off the hole in my basement floor (that looks like a drain but I still have my doubts) durring some alleged remodeling.  I put the hose in a bucket.  The kind of bucket that has gradient markings that do not relate to any kind of actual volume measuring guidelines we use on the planet earth.  Just arbitrarily counting by tens from the bottom of the green limp plastic bucket to the to brim.

It is producing 20-40 somethings every 24 hours.  Which is physically a lot of water to carry across the basement to a slop sink where I'm dumping it down what I know for certain is a drain.

When you are billed for your water by the utility companies they are charging you for the amount of metered water you use in your home.  They take that number and estimate how much is going down your drains and bill you again for that service.

By creating water to pour down my drains that isn't metered I found a way to stick it to the man.  They can't bill me for sewage use that they don't know I'm using.

That's not really good enough for me.  Sure I like sticking it to the man, he deserves it.  It's just such a waste to make all this water that isn't doing anything but joining other waste and eventually being released into our river (I can't back that up but it sure seems like how the process works).

I need to engineer a system that takes that water and uses it (probably with more electricity) in a positive way.  If I could get it up and out of my house into a container that could later use to water my lawn, plants or some day a garden, that would be using unmetered (essentially free (not including the electricity)) water.

Now I have to start planning this system.

*buckets pictured are not actual buckets being used, but very close.