Sunday, December 30, 2007

To the Future

All the snow was gone by Christmas Day. It snowed again on Friday but that's almost all gone too. The weather hasn't been too bad steady 20's to 40's and when the sun comes out it's always to hot when you're in a car for you coat. Damn Global Warming!

New Years eve is tomorrow and I have to work. I'll be off sometime around 3pm to 5pm and then I'm going to go home and start the party. That could mean one of two things. I may go home and take a nap or start drinking. I'm probably going to be too tired to simply come home and drink. In that scenario the drinking would only put me to sleep and make me angry. I'm pretty sure I'm going to take a nap, wake up refreshed and begin the drinking.

Keely is sick and isn't a big drinker anyway. Shelly has to work New Years Day so I'm pretty sure this New Year is going to suck.

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