Monday, June 23, 2008

I'll sleep when I'm dead

I’ve been going to bed between 9-10:30pm.  My alarm is set for 4:30am.  I woke up thinking it was time for me get up.  I went out to the living room where max wanted to play and I turned on the television.  There is an info bar that pops up at the top of the screen on my dish.  I’m glad there is.  I was feeling like crap.  I couldn’t believe I was alive.  I wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed.  Luckily the clock on the info bar said 1:30am.  Which meant crawling back into bed was exactly what I was going to do.  Relieved and shocked I moaned and grumbled all the way back to my bed.  I fell down into it and almost immediately began fiddling with my clock radio.  I don’t know why I was doing it and if I could just get it to stop making noise I could back to sleep.  That realization was occurred at the same moment I noticed what time it was displaying.  It read 4:30am.  It was time to get up.  I didn’t feel the greatest but despite being kicked around through time I had to get up.  Once vertical everything was fine.  I drank some water, had some breakfast, got cleaned and dressed then went to work.  I was functioning.

Fifteen minutes into my commute and I’m just as tired as I was at 1:30am.  I can’t keep my eyes open.  My head feels thick like all that can help it is to lay it softly on my pillow or just immediately on any convenient surface; just do it now!  I made it to work and woke up a little more.  Sitting down at my desk the sleepy crept back in.  My eyes are tired and my body is weary.  I want to lay down.  I’d bet the fifteen percent of blogs that aren’t talking about technology are talking about being tired or just bitching in general about how things aren’t going in the authors direction.    

I don’t think I stay up to late or get up to early, but maybe I do. 


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