Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Over the past ten years the affliction of insomnia has taken on the form of plot device in many forms of media. It is over glorified and for some time now sought out by even the likes of me. How many amazing things could I accomplish if I wasn't burdened by the encumbrance of sleep?

This week I've found out that I suddenly only need five hours of sleep. When I say sleep it's not steady or sound sleep. I am brought back from the dead every half hour or so by a dog who wants to go out or another one that wants to come in. Sometimes all they want to do it get me out of bed so they can relocate to a better spot. Damn dogs, God made the cute so you won't kill them when pull this sort of crap nightly.

When I get up at three in the morning from a slumber I began at ten in the evening, I feel mildly refreshed but definitely unable to fall back asleep. What have I been doing with my time? I've been stressing out about which digital camera deal is the best and how much research I can find to prove it to myself.

Digital cameras are an entirely different entry. Which I may just compose tomorrow morning at three.

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